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Meeting Info Retrieval

Say goodbye to lost meeting minutes and actionable outcomes.

We’ve all been there when the meeting wraps up and wonder what was decided and what was that meeting about anyway. Get clarity with an automatic transcription of the meeting along with notes, summaries, and action items,.


What was discussed at the company meeting on July 7th 2023?


Company Performance Review:
The CEO presented the company’s performance for the second quarter of 2023. The company has seen a 15% increase in revenue compared to the same period last year. The marketing and sales teams were commended for their efforts.

Product Updates:
The product team shared updates on the development of the new software product. The beta version will be ready for testing by the end of July.

Marketing Strategy:
The marketing team outlined their strategy for the second half of the year, which includes a new social media campaign and partnerships with industry influencers.

HR Updates:
The HR department announced a new employee wellness program that will be launched in August. They also reminded everyone about the upcoming team-building event.

Open Forum:
Employees were given the opportunity to ask questions and share their ideas. Several suggestions were made to improve internal communication and project coordination.

Action Items:
The product team will send out instructions for accessing the beta version of the new software once it’s ready.

The HR department will send out more information about the wellness program and the team-building event.

The management team will review the suggestions made during the open forum and provide feedback at the next meeting.

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Automate meeting minutes and outcomes.